Something About Me
I have always been interested in wellness and food as healing medicine. My interest in the subject grew after I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. After giving birth, I did not feel like myself and experienced a wide range of symptoms. I put on weight, I was exhausted, irritable, forgetful, and overwhelmed. Also, my skin was extremely dry and my hair was falling out with bald patches on my head. In addition to an irritable bowel syndrome that I had suffered for years.
Desperate to understand the reason behind all those symptoms, I was determined to find answers.
Thankfully, by making dietary changes, my health improved together with my energy. Overall, I was feeling better, but I was still suffering from certain food sensitivities.
Why I Chose GAPS
When I was introduced to GAPS, many things about disease and healing started to make more sense to me. I felt inspired knowing that there was a protocol that brought together everything I had learned over the years from elimination diet, detoxification, and leaky gut. I also felt relieved that such a program could heal the root cause of all of the symptoms . . . the GUT.
After using the GAPS Protocol to heal my body and mind, and after watching my son transform from a picky eater with many tantrums to an active, engaged, and healthy boy, I felt motivated to help others reclaim their innate strength and wisdom!
I had the privilege of studying directly with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (the creator of the protocol) and her team to become a Certified GAPS Coach.
What is GAPS?
GAPS stands for Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome. It is a nutritional holistic program that connects the state of the digestive system and the health of the body and mind.
As Hippocrates, the father of medicine said thousands of years ago,
“Every disease starts in the gut.”